
New Specials Coming Soon!  Look below for our latest products!

All specials and free items only available in the 48 contiguous United States.

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QS Poppie Cotton Special Edition Rulers

A collaboration that combines form & function in a glorious Poppie Cotton pink!
Quilters Select Non-Slip Rulers in 4 Limited Edition sizes!

Poppie Cotton Special Edition Cutting Mat

A beautiful, limited edition Quilters Select Cutting Mat.
One side for accurate cutting, one beautiful side for project making!


Select Pro Titanium Plated Blade Pack

Titanium Plated Replacement Blade Pack of 3 – each 45mm.


Select Sticky Tearaway

Available in 15” x 10 yds & 20” x 10 yds sizes!

Needle friendly, self-adhesive tearaway for holding fabric

in place for satin and other decorative stitching!


Select Wool Press & Cut Mat

14” x 14” Mat for Cutting and Ironing!


Twin Set of 60 Degree Rulers

The perfect ruler set for pattens requiring accurate:

• Half–Rectangles
• Half-Diamonds
• Half-Trapezoids and more!


Select 60 Degree Diamond Ruler

12.5” length to cut 60° diamond-based shapes for your quilt or other fabric craft!


Select Dynamic Dresden Rulers

Our Dresden Rulers now with Quilters Select’s original Non-Slip coating!
Available in 18° and 30° sizes!


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